AMC Asteroids
Allen Mining Company
HQ Asteroids
/1483 'Scotts Rock'
The pride of the AMC collection.
A 1,718km² CMS triple-type in The Midbelt at 819d OP.
/8069 'Williams Rock'
AMC's Outer Rim regional office.
A 344km² CIS triple-type past the Frost Line at 1630d OP.
/8371 'Samuels Rock'
Deep in The Midbelt, almost at the Inner Rim.
A 332km² pure C-type at 614d OP.
/8790 'Richards Rock'
The smallest of the AMC collection for the youngest of the Allen sons.
A 317km² CM mixed-type in The Midbelt at 914d OP.
Influence is developed by Unstoppable Games.
Scotts Rock
Allen Mining Company
/1483 'Scotts Rock'
The personal headquarters of AMC CEO Scott Allen, and the company's main office as well. Home to AMC's first and largest market hub and refinery complex, the asteroid also hosts AMC's Prototype Mining Research Fields and the original Mining...
Williams Rock
Allen Mining Company
/8069 'Williams Rock'
Personal headquarters of Chief Security Officer William Allen, oldest of the Allen sons, the asteroid officially serves as the regional office of the AMC in the Outer Rim, although the de facto main company presence is on /248 Patagon inst...
Samuels Rock
Allen Mining Company
/8371 'Samuels Rock'
Personal headquarters of Chief Technology Officer Samuel Allen, this asteroid serves as the AMC regional office for the Inner Rim, even though it technially is just beyond the inner border of The Midbelt. It is also home to AMC's Propulsion...
Richards Rock
Allen Mining Company
/8790 'Richards Rock'
Personal headquarters of Chief Operating Officer Richard Allen, this asteroid is the smallest of the AMC headquarters asteroids. But it's only a little smaller; the same way that Richard is only a little bit younger than his brothers.